Is it Safe to Swim with Manta Ray?


Manta rays are one of the largest creatures in the ocean. At 1,600kg in weight, and with a nine-metre wingspan, these enormous creatures absolutely dwarf a fully grown adult. A close relation to the shark, manta rays are massive flat fish that have wide-yawning mouths capable of consuming vast amounts of food - around 5 kilos per day.

They are fast, agile and confident animals. Manta rays are known for their curiosity and close interactions with humans. Divers and snorkelers that swim with manta ray should be prepared for the giants of the ocean to get close. 

But is that a risk?

Are Manta Rays Dangerous?

Manta rays pose no danger to humans. They are calm and delicate animals with no aggressive behaviours and are not predatory in nature. These gentle giants are filter feeders, gliding through the ocean on their massive wings feeding on microscopic plankton near the surface of the water. 

Manta rays can be intimidating animals to encounter because of their size and curiosity (not to mention their enormous mouths) but they should be considered as harmless as a whale. 

Can Manta Rays Sting You?

Manta rays belong to the same family of animals as the stingray, but they are not stingrays. They do not have stinging tails or barbs. Their tail may look similar to a stingray tail but does not serve any purpose. It is thought that this an evolutionary remnant of when manta rays and stingrays were part of the same species, but over time have branched off from one another. 

Why don’t manta rays have stinging tails? Probably because they have very few predators. Only large sharks and killer whales are known to eat manta ray, and this is rare.  

Safe Swimming with Mana Rays

While they won’t eat or sting you, you should always be careful around large animals like manta rays, because accidents can happen and both parties can end up injured if you don’t consider the impact of your encounter. Yet, this does not make them dangerous. 

As a species, manta ray are not only safe to be in the water with, but are also friendly and fantastic to be near. An encounter with a manta ray can be one of the most thrilling wildlife experiences anybody can hope to experience. Be respectful, be attentive and monitor your surroundings, and you’ll be safe. 


What is a Manta Ray? Facts and Information


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