Wildlife in Cambodia: Animals to See When Visiting Cambodia
Despite recent growth in population, over 50% of Cambodia remains rich forest areas and jungle. Home to a diverse range of mountains, areas of dense flora, rivers, lakes and flatlands, Cambodia is a melting pot of natural habitats that encourages a wide range of biodiversity.
Wildlife in Cambodia is varied and exciting. There are lots of rare and exotic creatures living in Cambodia that many wildlife enthusiasts would dream of ticking off their sightings list. Thousands of species both large and small call Cambodia there home. We can’t possibly list them all here, so we’ve compiled a collection of our top choices for wildlife in Cambodia to look out for, and where you’ll spot these animals.
Gibbons spotting is one of the most popular wildlife experiences in Cambodia, second only to elephant encounters. Several different gibbon species can be observed swinging between the trees all over Ratanakiri province.
Moon Bear
The Asian black bear, affectionately known as the moon bear for its crescent-shaped back on its underside, is a native animal of Cambodia. You won’t find many moon bears in the wild anywhere, as they have been trafficked heavily for the use of bear bile farming. Rescues and sanctuaries can be found across the country, though.
Sun Bear
The smallest and rarest of all bears, the sun bear - like the moon bear - gets its name from a patch on its chest, but this time it’s bright orange bib-shaped. Sun bears do still exist in the wilds of Colombia, although you’re better off trying to visit them at rescues and sanctuaries. Reclusive and shy, lucky forest trekkers can hope to sight sun bears on hikes in the Ratanakiri and Mondulkiri provinces.
Asian Elephant
Elephants in Cambodia are a rarity, but that doesn’t mean you can’t stop them. Read our guide on elephants in Cambodia to learn all you need to know! A quick breakdown is that while around 600 elephants live in the wilds of Cambodia, they’re very hard to spot. It’s much easier to visit ethical rescues for ex-performing and working elephants.
Indian Bison
Otherwise known as the gaur, Indian bison are found in small numbers across Cambodia, with the best chances of sightings in the Mondulkiri Province where around 1000 animals can be found grazing around the Phnom Prich Wildlife Sanctuary and the Mondulkiri Protected Forest.
Irrawaddy Dolphin
A beautiful and exceptionally rare animal, the Irrawaddy river dolphin inhabits a very specific 118-mile stretch of the Mekong River as it runs through Cambodia. Snub-nosed and playful, there are just 92 of these animals left in Cambodia.
There are numerous species of eagle flying high in the skies over Cambodia. These include the imperial eagle, greater spotted eagle and black eagle. Massive and impressive predatory birds, you’ll find these animals hunting over the northern and eastern plains of Cambodia.
Water Buffalo
Large and powerful cattle, water buffalo are prized in wildlife in Cambodia for their use on farms. They are endangered in the wild and near impossible to spot, but a trip to Tonle Sap lake will often yield sightings of domesticated herds.
Burmese Python
One of the largest snakes in the world, the Burmese python can reach 6 metres in length from tip to tail. Despite their size, Burmese pythons aren’t considered too hostile or dangerous. They’re spread about Cambodia, primarily in the lowlands surrounding the rivers running into Vietnam.
Both green sea turtle and leatherback turtle are native wildlife to Cambodia, along with freshwater turtles like the softshell turtle. Sea turtles come to the shores of Cambodia to lay eggs while freshwater turtles swim up the Mekong river. For sea turtles sightings, the best time of year is the early months, near Sre Ambel.
The Siamese crocodile is critically endangered, with only 250 animals left in the wild, with most found in Cambodia. The area of Veal Veaeng near Phnum Samkoh Wildlife Sanctuary is a haven for these crocs, with breeding populations thriving in recent years.
King Cobra
Found in the grasslands and rice fields of Cambodia, the king cobra is a large and deadly snake, famed across the world for its venomous bite. A surprise encounter with a king cobra is not something anyone wants to experience, but snake enthusiasts who keep their wits about them and search in the right places are in for a treat.